Climate and Biodiversity

Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

At the Full Council meeting on 20th June 2022, Royston Town Council declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency where it was agreed to always bear in mind the impact on climate and biodiversity when making any decisions about the town or council business.

Please follow the link to see the Climate and Biodiversity Declaration in full.

Recent projects

Swift Boxes installed at Town Hall

After the Town Council declared a climate and biodiversity emergency last summer, a member of the community contacted us to highlight the decline of the Swift population in the UK. On Friday 20th January 2023, we were very pleased to announce that four new swift boxes were installed around the Town Hall.



Bird Boxes installed in the Plantations

On Thursday 6th April 2023, ten new bird boxes were installed across the Stile and Green Walk Plantations. Local company Shire Trees donated their time and labour to put up the boxes at no cost as a contribution to the community of Royston.



Bird nesting survey in the Plantations

In April 2024, a local wildlife expert carried out a survey of nesting birds in both plantations. As well as lots of sightings of more common garden birds, chiffchaff, black caps, long tailed tits and mistle thrushes were either seen or heard. It is the right habitat for spotted flycatchers but none seen so far.

Latest steps


  • All the lighting in the Town Hall has been upgraded to LED, which will improve the energy efficiency of the lights by around 70%.