Royston Town Council came into being in 1974 as a result of local government reorganisation. The Coat of Arms was granted to Royston Urban District Council in 1952 and passed to the Town Council in 1974 and carries the motto: A bonis ad meliora. This means: From good things to better. The Coat of Arms is prominent on the council's chain of office.
15 members are elected every four years to serve on the Town Council. The Mayor of Royston is elected each May and serves for a year.
Royston is proud to have its own Town Crier. The current town crier, Graham Pfaff, has been in post since 2003. The post of Town Crier is an honorary one with a long historic tradition in the town. He has become a popular and well known figure in the town as, in full uniform and bell in hand, he “cries” for various civic and charity events.